Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Ashaninka Bible workers to open Brea zone

After much prayer, we made the flight to take our Ashaninka missionaries to Puerto Breu for February 28th. Noah and Dinos Mattire are two brothers who have accepted the challenge of going to live as missionaries for many months in the remote community of Puerto Breu. Early on Monday, the 28th, they prepared their luggage and at 10:20 am the engine of our Cessna 182 was ready to fly.
Noe and Dinos Mattire: BW's to Breu
Pto. Breu from the air

The weather at this time of year is rainy, and during the hour and ten minutes of flight we were in clouds and rain. Thank the Lord that it was not ugly in Breu at the time and we landed without any problems.

When we arrived there some people met us and took us to the deputy mayor. In the meeting with him we presented ourselves and explained the reason for our coming and the mission of our workers.  He told us he was very happy that we had come and to have our missionaries stay there and he offered to give us all the facilities they would need. After praying in his office for his work and personal life we said goodbye and went to find accommodation for our missionaries.
Going to meet the village leaders

Noe and Dinos Mattire

After an hour we had the support of the deputy mayor who gave us a place to stay for free until we can find a place for the missionaries to live.
There are many challenges in this place as the only two churches there are evangelical and the people don’t have anything good to say about them because they are always fighting. We know that the Lord will bless the work being carried out in this place and ask for your prayers to continue supporting our missionaries there.
- Pr. Aholiab Lozano

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