Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pastoral visit to Pisqui River

The amphibious airplane took off from the airbase at 4:30 pm, Friday, December 17 for the Pisqui River. On this trip Bible workers Miqueas Rojas and Wilfredo Maynas accompanied our pilot Christopher Borcherding and I.

Our first stop, Nuevo Edén, was just a 50 minute flight. It is located close to the head of the Pisqui River and very close to a beautiful mountain range filled with vegetation.

The brethren, as well as the whole community, were waiting because an airplane landing is not a common sight.

Wilfredo has ministered in this community before and is well known.

As we received the Sabbath in the temple we meditated on God’s marvelous creation and the blessings that they have to be able to live in such a beautiful place. Something to appreciate here is the absence of mosquitos, which astonished us all but the brethren told us that this is the norm.

In the evening we presented the Cosmic Conflict video in the street for everyone to see. Then we had a meditation and went to bed.

Sabbath morning we visited some of the brethren followed by Sabbath School and church service programs. It was very nice. The Word of God strengthened everyone this Sabbath day and revived us with the blessed hope of the soon return of our Lord Jesus.

After lunch we boarded the airplane again because the brethren in the community of Charasmana were waiting for us. The flight from Nuevo Eden to Charasmana by airplane is 30 minutes but by boat it takes 2 or 3 days.

When we arrived we left our things in a house that was loaned to us and we went to the temple to have the afternoon meeting. Following the closing of the Sabbath we had a program in the street where we saw the video, Cosmic Conflict, and we made a call to the people there.

It was a beautiful night under the heavens full of stars as we closed our eyes to rest.

The next day at first light we readied ourselves to return to our base because we had a program scheduled for the Bible workers. The brethren saw us off in the port where we prayed for the Holy Spirit to always be with them.

The flight home only took 35 minutes because we had a tail wind that helped us. When we arrived our wives were waiting for us.

These visits this weekend were very nice. The Holy Spirit helped us to meet our objective which was to fortify their faith.

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